If a man could be in two places at one time,
I'd be with you tomorrow and today,
beside you all the way.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Posting about Friday at 12:20AM.
Woke up at.. oh, 5:45AM today. I'm starting to wake up a lot earlier these few days. I blame sleeping in the afternoon, and my brother's gf for coming over.
Had a 15mins shower, packed a few things, drank, etc. etc.
Decided not to listen to my phone this morning. Bought the New Paper at that.. shop.. place. Great reading.
Assembly, blah, reading, blah, blah blah. Rained at 7:50. went to class, WOO!
er, yeah.
Geog.. Can't remember haha.
Science test.
I FREAKING LOVE MUSIC LESSONS. Guaranteed laughs when Mr Lam is at school. Why only 1 period, MoE? Watched Oliver too.
Eng, practiced Oral.
After school, Oral.
lol, dirty minded people should are.. er, bad? =(
Waited for R at the main gate, we took 265, went to Popular and looked at some recipe books.
Saw a Chi version of The Little Prince/Xiaowangzi/Le Petit Prince, it was in comic form.
Editing pic, it's too big.
lolboring x2.
Went to Pizza Hut (<3) style="font-style: italic;">Cream of Chicken meal.
Cheesy Shrooms is LOVE.
Editing pic, it's too big.
Beautiful, isn't it?
R's meal.
Editing pic, it's too big. =/
Mine is clearly superior haha.
Delicious. >:D
ugh, ****ing a**hole. who do you think you are, pushing people and things around like that? you think you're better, just because you're bigger? **** off, no one gives a damn if you don't understand things. b*tch.
~9:21 AM
* * *
So, it's me.
Stancel. Slasher. Kadd. 250 GB HDD (LOL).
Choose one. 250 will be fine too. Hello, world on 30 Oct 1994.
That's 14 in 2008
Can I get it?
White hoodie.
Black hoodie.
Piano black PSP Slim.
My own laptop, with a gfx card that has no fps lag when I'm SFing.
Master skyjump, groundjump and the 'Kaka Shot' in SJ.
Am I greedy?
Music makes me lose control.
Wanna find me?
MSN: firzen213@hotmail.com
CSCZ name: 250 GB HDD.
I can mostly be found on Vanish's training/match server.