Monday, September 29, 2008
FINALLY finished editing the blogskin.
All I can say is, today was a very wet day. When I went home, I mean.
I'm hungry now, bye.
~4:10 AM
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
green apple ice blended + the usual waffle this time.
even hotter day + carrying a lot of books = GG.
and, loongwai is a bloody genius for getting dota on the comp lab 4 comps.
1v1'd Haiyun, my score was 7-4 to his 3-7.
i got FB'd by the scourge, LOL!
invoker vs. tiny, i was kael. meteor is bloody fun.
couldn't finish because of time limit, sad. agreed to rematch him next thurs.
can't wait for next thurs, woo.
~11:25 PM
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008
bloody hot day today.
got a nice blueblerry blended ice + blueberry waffles after school to cool me down.
i really regret not shaking it first, then drinking.
i swear, it tastes colder than a slurpee when shaken.
~11:18 PM
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just came back from school after buying mcwings.
and I go to the cMG clanpage to find out that Wenz has a blog
so does Jaws
and maybe a couple of others
weird day.
~12:03 AM
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Friday, September 12, 2008
Posting about Friday at 12:20AM.
Woke up at.. oh, 5:45AM today. I'm starting to wake up a lot earlier these few days. I blame sleeping in the afternoon, and my brother's gf for coming over.
Had a 15mins shower, packed a few things, drank, etc. etc.
Decided not to listen to my phone this morning. Bought the New Paper at that.. shop.. place. Great reading.
Assembly, blah, reading, blah, blah blah. Rained at 7:50. went to class, WOO!
er, yeah.
Geog.. Can't remember haha.
Science test.
I FREAKING LOVE MUSIC LESSONS. Guaranteed laughs when Mr Lam is at school. Why only 1 period, MoE? Watched
Oliver too.
Eng, practiced Oral.
After school, Oral.
lol, dirty minded people should are.. er, bad? =(
Waited for R at the main gate, we took 265, went to Popular and looked at some recipe books.
Saw a Chi version of The Little Prince/Xiaowangzi/Le Petit Prince, it was in comic form.
Editing pic, it's too big.
lolboring x2.
Went to Pizza Hut (<3) style="font-style: italic;">Cream of Chicken meal.
Cheesy Shrooms is LOVE.
Editing pic, it's too big.
Beautiful, isn't it?
R's meal.
Editing pic, it's too big. =/
Mine is clearly superior haha.
Delicious. >:D
ugh, ****ing a**hole. who do you think you are, pushing people and things around like that? you think you're better, just because you're bigger? **** off, no one gives a damn if you don't understand things. b*tch.
~9:21 AM
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Thursday, September 11, 2008
Back from a 5 day blogging hiatus, God bless America, it's 9/11.
Interesting day at school. Mr. Edison (or Eddy, as I remember a classmate calling him) and Mrs. Ng couldn't teach us.. Probably the O/N level thing, so 3 boring periods at the canteen.
I love my new waterbottle. XD
Recess, chicken rice + egg + milo, then slacked at the classroom. Was reading the New Paper as usual.
Science.. interesting lesson, xd. We're learning Chapter Six now. Yes, Chapter Six. The infamous Chapter Six.
For the uninformed, it's technically sex ed.
2 periods Art, Friendster'd&MSN'd&Consult&AdobeIllustrated&Slacked at Com Lab 4. I love Art. Chose my Liverpool-inspired logo for the Art YOG2010 assignment.
Geog, talked about what we're gonna do for EOY paper.
And, random crap at the end of the period -
Smallest country in the world - Vatican City ( Population - Est. 800. Size - 44 hectares, 110 acres, 0.44 square km, 440,000 square metres.
Biggest waterfall in the world - Niagara Falls (on the border of Ontario, Canada and New York, USA )
Highest mountain in the world - Mt. Everest ( Peak - 8,848m above the sea level. Part of the Himalayas in Tibet. )
Yes, I've also added random stuff related to the places haha.
Just ate a delicious walnut cookie, and Mummy gave me a.. tube thingy to help with my flu, thanks. :)
11:01PM, I should probably sleep soon..
Currently listening to - Cobra Starship; Placer Culpable (Spanish version of Guilty Pleasure). I <3 this song.
Mood - FLUEY. But I'm still going to school, Eng oral exam.
~7:50 AM
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Saturday, September 6, 2008
6th September.. 11:40PM, I know, but still 6th Sept.
~8:25 AM
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The Truths of Gaming, Rated Highest to Lowest
Compiled by Kadd and Seraphim. Approved by the Loony XI.
1. Only pay for the game if you are willing to play it for a long time.
2. Thou shall not accuse others of wallhacking, aimbotting or any other forms of hacking without valid evidence.
3. Thou shall not accuse others of lagging if the server is ****.
4. Thou shall not mock the Krauts of Call of Duty or Medal of Honor's German.. Unless they
really, really deserve it.
5. Beer is the happy juice which enhances the gaming experience. Soda has the caffeine that keeps you going. Mixing them together will only guarantee a trip to the hospital.
There are more, but they're pending..
And on a completely unrelated sidenote, I shall hereby bid goodbye to my MIA-status.
~8:17 AM
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Monday, September 1, 2008
Gonna be MIA from Blogger for.. IDK how long.
Reasons.. well..
Sore wa himitsu desu.
~8:14 PM
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