If a man could be in two places at one time,
I'd be with you tomorrow and today,
beside you all the way.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sorry for not posting in a long time, people, but I've been busy ever since I came back from the camp.
Had to go for what I've been missing for the past few days.
Like playing soccer with my neighbor + friends, going LAN, etc.
~8:58 AM
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
Holidays have started, now I have no idea when Ivan can pass the hw to me.
No, I'm not that guai, it's just that do the hw early = more time to slack. :D
~5:03 PM
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Friday, March 7, 2008
Didn't go to school today as I have diarrhea.
I've had it since Wednesday night. Must be because of the char siew bun I ate during recess, made me waste a chocolate eclair as the diarrhea didn't kick in until night time, and I bought the eclair in the afternoon.
Sigh. I'll blog another day.
~4:48 AM
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
My back hurts..
First two periods were D&T, I didn't do my Fun with Foam thing because I lost the cover page. Again, I think. After that was History, Mrs David didn't come so we went to the canteen.
And, crap, there were a lot of other classes there, seriously. Went back to class five minutes before recess started for the IPW thing.
When we presented our presentation ( lol ), the whole class was, for the lack of a better term, DEAD.
Yeah, our presentation was boring. We should have added that picture of the Anything can on the credits 'cause our IPW group name is.. Anything!
LDEP, we talked about The Little Prince and his trips to the Asteroids 325 ~ 329. For the third period of LDEP, she gave us time to do our LDEP project.
.. when she was away, Belvia, Joanna and Tracy kept tying scotch tape around Teng Sheng's head.
Not that I can blame them or anything. But it was fun to keep shouting "RAPISTS!" Before CE lesson started, I went made a deal with the devil.. or to be more accurate, with the new China transfer student guy. I teach him English, he teaches me Chinese. Fair deal, isn't it? :D
First period of CE lesson, we mostly talked about the Artmazing race. Second period, about caring for the community. Yenny kept laughing like crazy until the last few minutes, and Belvia and a few others kept shouted "MAS SELAMAT!"
Mas Selamat = Mr Ahmad? -.-
Took 165 to AMK Central after that, bought a yogurt ice cream.. thing, Oreos Marshmallows before I met with my mother to buy swimming trunks for the camp.
.. and 2 Archie comics, and the clear carrying folder whatever crap. All of them were bought from my ang pow money, I think it was almost $45 for all of them.
Took 262 home after that, and here I am.
~12:49 AM
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Came back to school today after being hospitalized from last Wednesday to this Monday.
Reactions I got were.. unexpected, but still nice :D
After the morning Assembly, Mrs Lim and Mr Lee made the winners of the Speech Day thing stay back. Took up almost a period, they mostly talked about the dinner. When I went back to the class, Mr Chia 'announced' that I was one of the winners.
Err, kinda obvious, isn't it? >_>
Won the awards for Sec 1NA '07 for English and History btw.
After that was Science, Ms Daisy Lim from ICC came during the period since I didn't attend my CCA last week.
Tuesday - Backache. Thursday - Hospitalized. x=
During Recess, I ate fan choy because I couldn't wait for the Yong Tau Foo.. queues and Sec 1s these days XD. Went to library after that.
Ms Leong didn't come, so for the first period of Chinese 2eff went to the hall, and I kept trying to copy Hsu Hui's answers for the Chi worksheet. Went to canteen after that, whole class had to stand because we were making too much noise during the last few mins of the period.
IPW, all of us had to present. Our group ( which is called Anything :D ) and Abandoned Chipmunks couldn't present our Powerpoint slides, because the school comp's PP was.. outdated.
Assembly, we were shown an animation, a powerpoint slide and a video about swimming, water, and safety, etc. After that, the Sec 2s had to stay back for the NYAA and Sec 2 camp thing.
Really can't wait for the camp and this Thursday's Artmazing race!
~3:29 AM
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Yeah, I'm going back to blogging, guys.
~3:11 AM
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So, it's me.
Stancel. Slasher. Kadd. 250 GB HDD (LOL).
Choose one. 250 will be fine too. Hello, world on 30 Oct 1994.
That's 14 in 2008
Can I get it?
White hoodie.
Black hoodie.
Piano black PSP Slim.
My own laptop, with a gfx card that has no fps lag when I'm SFing.
Master skyjump, groundjump and the 'Kaka Shot' in SJ.
Am I greedy?
Music makes me lose control.
Wanna find me?
MSN: firzen213@hotmail.com
CSCZ name: 250 GB HDD.
I can mostly be found on Vanish's training/match server.